Cheryl Meltzer (PhD, OMD, LAc, NCCAOM Dipl. Asian Bodywork Therapy, NCCAOM Dipl. Acupuncture) began her study of Chinese medicine as an apprentice to a traditional doctor in China, where she lived and trained as a clinical intern for 6 years. Her first practice in the US was in medical qigong and Asian bodywork. She is a licensed acupuncturist in the state of Wisconsin and a Doctor of Oriental Medicine.
Ilana Meltzer (MA, MaOM, LAc, Dipl. Oriental Medicine) is a licensed acupuncturist with training in Chinese herbal medicine. She grew up in China and experienced the benefits of acupuncture and Chinese medicine firsthand. She earned her Master of Oriental Medicine degree at Northwestern Health Sciences University in 2010. She has received additional training in women’s health and wellness, including fertility support.